Search results: I Am Facing Foreclosure information
Articles on I Am Facing Foreclosure from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Foreclosure - The Economy's Epidemic & Ways to Help Escape Foreclosure
Last month, it has been reported that nearly 224,000 homeowners are going through the foreclosure process. With a 60% increase in foreclosures since last year, it is not a surprise that business sales are not doing well. We have witnessed a decrease in many stock prices, a change in consumer ...
Surprisingly Shocking Foreclosure Truths Revealed
Take even a cursory perusal of the financial headlines lately and you'll be inundated with tales of the so called "mortgage crisis" and of people loosing their properties to foreclosure. The situation is actually quite dire in many parts of the country, as this recent ranking of the top states for ...
Investing: The Scary Side
We see the advertisements every single day, whether in television, the classifieds, or direct mail: Be independent, invest in real estate today! Just like I did and you too can make $x for only a days worth of work! or Facing foreclosure? I'll buy your home for cash! or I buy homes for cash call me ...
Why Home Foreclosure Rescue Plans Aren't Enough
As most Americans know, America is experiencing its worse foreclosure crises in history caused, in part, by adjustable rate subprime loans and job losses. Now, the government is offering a couple of alternatives to the constant flow of foreclosure homes onto the market. The problem is, I don't ...
Short Sale Second Mortgage - How To Get Out Of Two Mortgages At The Same Time
Is a mortgage short sale possible if you have not one mortgage company to deal with, but two? I am the developer of the Mortgage Relief Formula home study course. In my work I receive hundreds of questions from homeowners who owe more than their house is worth and cannot afford to continue making ...
What Should I Do If I Am Facing Foreclosure?
As we are facing an economic crisis on a global scale, many of us find ourselves in a position where we are unable to afford our bills. Along with that, many of us got financing for our homes during a time when money was very easy to come by. What ended up happening is that many of us wound up with ...
I Am Facing Foreclosure - Now What? Part I
You are facing foreclosure because you are behind on your mortgage payments by two months, soon to be three. You do not know how or when you will bring your mortgage current. Who can you trust? Who can you turn to? You are trying to hold it together for your family and continue to go to work ...
Short Sale - Ten Questions Answered By a Bank Loss Mitigator
Our Bradenton, Florida real estate market has seen a rise in foreclosures and short sales. A short sale occurs when a lender is willing to accept less than the loan balance in order to avoide taking the home back in foreclosure. Many investors work the pre-foreclosure market and have an interest in ...
Facing Foreclosure? - Do Something About It!
Probably never before in the recorded history of real estate transactions has foreclosures received such prominent attention. It is as equally likely that there have never been such a high percentage of foreclosures in relationship to all other real estate transactions. In fact, the possibility of ...
Can You Really Qualify For A Connecticut Mortgage With Problems On Your Credit
There is a question that many Connecticut homeowners are facing today in regards to qualifying for a mortgage. The big question has to do with being able to qualify for a Connecticut mortgage if you have some credit issues in your past. Based on what I am seeing I will review the issues and credit ...